Not Far Enough

 Gubernatorial candidate Steve Marchand is a perpetual politician that has no real plans for New Hampshire.
Marchand made a recent campaign swing through Berlin and from the article by Barbara Tetrault, "is running partly because a lot of people have urged him to make another run." Marchand says.

   Not a lot of substance there. Berlin like the rest of northern New Hampshire faces mounting challenges in everything from education quality to increasing strain on the local property taxpayer. The Marchand campaign offers nothing. I wonder who these people are that are urging him to run for Governor?
  Marchand seems proud of his French-Canadian heritage, yet like the rest of his empty campaign offers nothing about what New Hampshire could do with Canada.
  An experienced if not career politician, Marchand tries to make the argument that "no state has less of a relationship between state and local governments. Which really isn't true. New Hampshire has a large, transparent citizen legislature an active Executive Council and locally involved County Commissioners and Selectmen. Many states could only dream of this level of access to state government.
  What is missing is corner office due diligence and detail. New Hampshire is being passed over on economic opportunities at the federal level simply because the state isn't either applying or even using it's voice. Steve Marchand like his empty campaign offers nothing here either.


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