Pointing To A Direction

  New Hampshire State Senator David Starr (R-Franconia) recently reported on legislative progress in Concord including asking his constituents to be “pointing out bills that you care about.”
There is a bill that I care about and if it passes into state law would result in needed statewide economic development and especially local tax base relief across the expanse of senate district one which is everything north of Plymouth.

Senate Bill 310 would allow two casinos in New Hampshire including 5,000 slot machines, 240 table games like blackjack and roulette and the increasingly popular sports betting. If this legislation passes these two casinos would generate at least $134 million dollars a year in revenue to the state treasury. Revenue that could be used to solve many of the issues that now plague the Granite State: better roads, better schools, family leave, more social workers and local property tax relief.

What I do not understand is why Sen. David Starr is not a co-sponsor of Senate Bill 310 given what this legislation could do for the North Country. Maine, Massachusetts, New York and Pennsylvania have all passed legislation similar if not identical to Senate Bill 310 and now have the state revenues to improve their local economies which is exactly what New Hampshire should be doing.


  1. Did anyone ever read this blog, Steve-O? Did all your fans from nhinsider abandon you?


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