Danville Rail Trail.

 As a railfan I've riden mountain bikes on near many abandoned and active railroad lines. The
Danville rail trail is one of the best in the country.  

  Rails to trails is still relatively new. Abandoned railroad tracks are being removed becoming an almost instant rail trail. The problem arises when the prior surface materials from decades of railroad operations like gravel, cinders and crossties are left plus New England seasonal storm debris that is often not cleaned up. The trails in New Hampshire and parts of Maine are like this.
This Isn't A Rail Trail. It's A Regular Trail. There Is A Difference.

  This isn't the case in Danville. The trail is well graded, maintained and very level for a rail trail. It's distance isn't lengthy but it's very scenic. Unlike most rail trails there is also one way access at both ends of the mountainous route as RCT allows mountain bikes on their busses servicing the entire trail. I'd reccomend starting at the Danville section going east to St. Johnsbury as the grade is downhill!  
This Isn't A Rails To Trails Out West.

  Rails to trails mountain biking is becoming increasingly popular. But if you're considering biking the rail trails in Colorado, Utah as an experience of the west, don't.

  Stay in Vermont it's much better here.


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