
Showing posts from 2015

New Hampshire Is Failing At Rail

The 2015/2016 New Hampshire state budget is being finalized, in weeks the final version will be voted on and later become law. One of the proposals being considered in the senate is to remove $4.0 million dollars from the NH Rail Transit Authority for "engineering and planning" work to be done for it's proposed commuter rail service from Boston to Concord. This cut in appropriations this will save money for a project and idea that is seriously flawed. And the reason that it is flawed is that New Hampshire lacks a coherent strategy and direction with respect to the railroads in this state. Anyone that knows anything about rail knows that the profits in this industry come from moving freight not passengers. The strategy should be to invest in the freight operations; improve the infrastructure and then leverage this to create a passenger rail network. Both Maine and Vermont are doing this--investing in freight infrastructure and then letting companies like ...

New Hampshire Rail Transit Study Unveiled

      Governor Maggie Hassan and the NH Rail Transit Authority recently unveiled an expensive rail study for the NH "capitol corridor" for passenger rail from Boston to Nashua and Manchester. The whole idea of this is a politically based train wreck. I'm finding it interesting that Nashua Mayor Donnalee Lozeau is becoming such a "cheerleader" for the whole idea which New Hampshire clearly cannot afford. Before proceeding someone should be asking the outgoing Nashua Mayor what kind of financial shape Nashua is in? I think the answer to this question is right behind what is happening throughout the rest of New Hampshire especially in financing a rail project that this state does not need.

Missing Lancaster Fair

I missed the Lancaster Fair this year!!! I'm now really regretting this. Unlike other state fairs where it's all about the midway and selling fried dough, the Lancaster Fair has kept to it's original charter and that is an emphasis on the agriculture. I'm thinking of this now in February after watching some of the Budweiser Superbowl Ads with the puppy and the Clydesdale horses.

No Progress To Report

Maine Gov. LePage has made it a priority to expand the International Marine Terminal with is located on commercial street in Portland. This will be a very good capital investment and create many quality jobs and needed tax base. For example, construction has now started to expand rail access into the terminal areas where containers can be easily loaded from ship to railcars or trucks for shipment across the Northeast. Maine sees the future. New Hampshire does not. New Hampshire has a state port authority based in Portsmouth. Though it's terminal is significantly smaller than what exists in Portland nothing is being done. No expansion plans, no capital plans and no strategy to create needed jobs for New Hampshire. And did I say this lack of action is all at NH taxpayer expense.

A Plan Of Action.

Politics and Policy is a complex field. And I don't care what the issue happens to be. Whether this is allowing "concealed carry" of a firearm in New Hampshire without a license to my current interest in the future of the NH State Port Authority in Portsmouth, New Hampshire. This blog is a continuation of my main blog at In any case, it's my understanding that legislation (H.B. 144) has been filed relative to the NH State Port Authority, and more specifically a study committee that would consider the future of this "state operated port." that costs NH taxpayers millions of dollars to operate and maintain. I'm now questioning whether a "study" is really needed here. I don't think that the NH State Port Authority even has a future. And there are many reasons I'm making this statement. I think the NH State Port Authority is like moving cargo up and down interstate 93 by horse and wagon. Of course it could be done. ...

NH Resources: Politics.Commerce.Strategy

Welcome to my new blog, NH Resources!!!! It is actually a part of my main blog at I hope to use this blog to expand, inform and involve in NH politics, commerce and the strategy to move the issues forward. New Hampshire and the world are getting more complex by the day. Politics as always is the "grease under the skids." I'm planning on making this an interesting ride as well. Thanks for coming here. Steve